No. 500 27 September 2019

ebroker: Conecta2

From the 29 of February of 2008, we have been accompanying you every Friday And 500 already goes!

500 Did you know that… by becoming a participant in the evolution of ebroker from our commitment to the 100% web environment, sector connectivity, Cloud Computing, business intelligence… and the best is yet to come; We will continue talking every Friday about exclusive products, functional improvements, disruptive news ...

But, ebroker, is a lot # MoreQueSoftware; We have become a global solution for the implementation of the business strategy of insurance brokers and, in this line, we launched a new initiative aimed at fostering opinion and debate on current issues and issues that are of common interest to brokers and insurers, and have technology and the moment of sector transformation in their background.

Conecta2, the new Insurtech dialogue forum for insurance brokers.

Powered by ebroker in rigorous direct through social networks to talk, share ideas, opinions, launch proposals and put on the table matters that matter to brokers, insurers and the sector technology industry.

We started the October 10, at 16: 30h, with Cristina del Ama, general director of Allianz.


