No. 726. August 16, 2024

ebroker: Scheduled communications (Alarms) – Loss control by review date

ebroker, it allows you automate the tracking of claims reviews by sending internal communications.

To this end, Interactions > Scheduled Communications (Alarms), you can create an alarm on the claims module that generates an email or task days before the review date of each claim. To do this, you must indicate the following filters:

  • Module: Accidents
  • Search catalog (magnifying glass icon): in the field f. next Rev. You must indicate when the notice will be generated based on the reported review date of each incident. For example, if you want the notification to be sent on the same day as the review, you must indicate @TODAY@, or if you want it to be sent two days before, indicate @ DD2D @.
  • Type: There are several means of communication, among them you can choose Email o Task.
  • Priority: Ordinary
  • Associated template: they must associate a template, depending on the type of communication you have chosen.
  • Repeat: Yes
  • Is repeated: daily
  • Notify: if you have chosen the type Email, you must select the option configured and inform the email to which the notices will be sent. You can report another email at in copy.

 You just have to go to ...

Interactions > Scheduled Communications (Alarms)


