ebroker has made available to users of the Merlin Multitarifier the Travel Assistance product of RACE, thus becoming the first contracting option in this branch in the marketing environment for technology insurance brokers.
El Royal Automobile Club of Spain RACE, is a non-profit institution established in 1903 that deploys its functions and services around the automobile sector, including an offer of insurance options among which is its Asivia insurance that is now implemented in Marline. This development is part of the collaboration agreement between ebroker and UNACSA, the insurance company of the RACE group, reached in October to promote more efficient and profitable connectivity with the group of technology brokers.
With the opening of Travel Assistance in Merlín as an independent branch and soon as a complementary branch to Autos, ebroker listens to and responds to the business needs that its community of insurance broker users have conveyed to them, adding a new branch to the marketing environment that already includes Autos 1st, Autos 3rd, Home, Life, Death, Communities and Health, which account for more than 95% of the commercial activity of the broker channel and which will continue to increase over the coming weeks with more additions of products and companies.
Merlin, the ebroker multi-rate calculator that is available both integrated and independent of the ERP, offers a wide catalog of products with more than 50 options and support in its implementation through SAE: Emission Support Service, which advises the user broker during the configuration and the first experiences of pricing and issuing products.