Management Connectivity


Only way to efficiency

Since 2005 we have been betting on a permanent evolution of ebroker in the field of connectivity. We understand that the integration of business processes between insurers and insurance brokers is an essential aspect to achieve optimal levels of efficiency and competitiveness.

ebroker actively participates and is a relevant player in large sector connectivity projects such as the EIAC standard or the Mediated Digital Policy project. Sector connectivity, in its different areas, is essential in fluid and efficient relationships between brokers and insurance entities.

Sector standardization

ebroker implements different sets of specifications, which, under the EIAC standard, provide connectivity for administrative processes associated with the management and treatment of policies, receipts and claims, running automatically and integrated with the insurers' computer systems.

Below you will see the Companies with which we exchange information on policies, receipts or claims. We have distinguished between those that do it directly from the insurer itself (EIAC) and those that do it through the platform TOP (EIAC/CIMA).

The main insurers in the market have available
your management connectivity through ebroker:
