Last Thursday we held the event of kick-off our Strategic Plan 2023-2025, which was attended by ebroker Team almost completely and which dealt with the vision of our company focused on the needs of insurance brokers in 2030.

The members of the Management Committee presented their area plans to the entire team, which are aligned with the global strategy of the company and which shows the path traced in our mission to promote the permanent modernization and evolution of insurance mediation through the work of a great human team.

With the objective that ebroker becomes the operating system of the insurance broker of the future, evolving from the concept of "technology for management" towards the concept of "technology for knowledge", we have projected the first three years of the next seven to act in accordance with a strategy consistent with the reality of the impact that cultural, social and technological disruption will have for the insurance industry and for the insurance broker.

At ebroker we continue to adapt to the needs of insurance mediation, promoting the necessary structural and operational changes to continue developing our technology in an innovative way after more than 20 years as sector benchmarks, through the optimization of operational efficiency and a high level of cohesion of a highly qualified human team.
