Your trusted appraiser

Marline is an advanced technological tool aimed at insurance distribution that allows you to base your sales strategy on much more than a simple multi-pricing.

differential elements

a business environment innovative, agile and simple, surrounded by a series of features and attributes that make it the most complete option on the market thanks to its efficiency and productivity.

Merlín helps you not only to sell more, but to sell better in a professional and well-founded way, since it provides a accurate insurance vision through its functionalities and services.

Marketing support services

Carry out an analysis and comparison of the priced products and their coverage at different levels to recommend the best option to your client

Learn about the evaluations that our user community has made on the products and benefit from their experience

Merlin is adapts to you

User interface

Shorten the times for obtaining prices.

smart forms

Smart quote process through dynamic forms.


Philosophy “mobile first”, for any device and place.

Merlin is flexible


Access Merlin through the operation of ebroker.
Allow your business networks to access externally.


Hire Merlin independently and have all the technological benefits of the tool.


Merlin works with insurance companies most relevant companies market.

Issuance Support Service

The SAE is a complete start-up service for the commercial options included in Merlin that includes, from support in the tuning of the environment, initial setup y obtaining credentials with the insurers, until the final use and exploitation of the tool.
