Our suite, your universe

ebroker functionalities

An integral solution for the insurance distribution

ebroker is an ERP (business management system) highly specialized in the insurance distribution activity it offers, in addition to the usual business operations such as financial management or the management of policies, receipts and claims, transversal documentation... a module to manage the customer relations (CRM), processes in workflowsBusiness Intelligence (BI) through KPIs, dashboards and customer segmentation…

In addition, among other features, it also has messaging integration, email Outlook and allows obtain the signature of documents electronically, supporting compliance with legal obligations in Privacy and Data Protection.

Connected to the sector

The integration of business processes between insurers and insurance brokers is an essential aspect to achieve optimal levels of efficiency and competitiveness.

ebroker, through its management connectivity allows to automate and integrate business processes with insurers in the field of exchange of information related to policies, receipts and claims, implementing the sectoral standardization of data exchange through CIMA.

Merlin, your trusted rater

Marline It is an intelligent and intuitive environment integrated by a complete commercial process and surrounded by different tools and information analytics that aims to cover the commercial needs of the insurance broker in an efficient and professional manner.

Merlin allows you to automate business processes with more than 25 insurers in the commercial field (offer and contracting).

The power of data at the service of the broker

ebroker raises the level of data analysis by providing the broker with an advanced platform for the design and construction of elements, indicators and dashboards in a completely autonomous way.

ebroker BI PRO It allows you to automate the complex task of converting information into knowledge, obtain an overview of the business and its evolution, optimize decision making and establish objectives and control their degree of compliance.

And much more…

ebroker it's more than software and extends its benefits and functionalities to the provision of valuable services in the professional field through tools such as “My Runner” App which allows you to offer a good customer experience, being able to easily communicate with your insurance broker; ebroker mobile that will allow you to carry your business in your pocket and access the information that interests you most; web services to integrate with other systems ttechnologies from external companies guaranteeing your technological independence…

In addition, ebroker puts at your disposal services consulting and training in order to raise the knowledge of your brokerage by relying on processes and functionalities that you can implement to contribute to the digital transformation of your business.

You can obtain detailed information about each of the ebroker functionalities in the different options in the right vertical menu of this page.

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