
680. Interactions – Saving regularization submissions

ebroker allows you to view the emails sent about your clients' regularizations. You can consult these shipments in Interactions > Sent, at a general level, at the policy and client level. From the general Interactions module, you can access the client and the policy on which the sending was made, and it also allows you to view the body of the email and download its attachment.

2023-09-29T10:21:28+02:00September 29, 2023|Tags: , , , |

678. Mass sending of policy adjustments to clients

ebroker allows you to send mass shipments of policy adjustments to your clients. Go to Administration > Management control > Regularizations and, in the list of policies, select those for which you want to send to clients, until the green check appears. At the top right, click on the option Send adjustments of selected policies to clients. ebroker will ask you to select the email template, which you must have previously created in Control Panel > Email > Templates (Type: Regularizations). If any policy among those selected has a status of Pending Customer Response, a message will appear saying "Policies have been identified to which the message has already been sent. Do you want to continue?"

2023-09-19T09:02:46+02:00September 15, 2023|Tags: , , |
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