676. Search for policies issued by SIAPOL

ebroker, allows you to search for integrated policies through SIAPOL. To indicate this filter, access the Policies module and click on Search. In the Advanced tab, Serv section. connectivity, there is a field called Policies issued by SIAPOL. This field consists of a drop-down menu with the options Yes and No, to include or exclude the policies integrated into your database through SIAPOL.

2023-09-01T07:37:31+02:00September 1, 2023|Tags: , , |

662. Operations with policies – Cancel client without policies in force when canceling policy

ebroker, allows you to automate the cancellation of clients when SIAPOL cancels the only policy they have in force. This configuration is done at the company level in Control Panel > Operations with policies > Parameters. In the Parameterization of companies window you will find the option Cancel customer without policies in force when canceling policies. By checking this box, a drop-down will be enabled to choose the reason for cancellation that ebroker will indicate when canceling the client. After saving this configuration, each time you receive the cancellation of the only policy in force that a client has, this client will be automatically canceled with the previously indicated reason for cancellation.

2023-05-08T09:11:38+02:005 May 2023|Tags: , , , |

640. SIAPOL – Integration of policies for “SU” and “AN” movements

ebroker, allows you to integrate policies from AN (cancellations) and SU (supplements) movements. When, through SIAPOL, companies send supplements or cancellations of policies that are not yet in your database, the ebroker will register the policy together with these movements. In the case of integrating policies from AN movements, there are two options: Register the policy with its cancellation. To do this, it is necessary to access the Parameters of each company in Operations with policies and check the option Integrate non-existent policy with cancellation movement. Not integrating the policy with its cancellation. If the option Integrate non-existent policy with cancellation movement is left unchecked, the process will be the same as always: it will return the incident No policy identified.

2022-11-11T14:33:43+01:00November 11, 2022|Tags: , , |
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